The story revolves around 3 friends, Ann Mathews (Roma), Nandana (Samvrutha), and Susan (Remya Nabeeshan), United Nations agency attend a women's faculty. Ann and her father (Lalu Alex) share a really friendly and open relationship. Her mother is not any a lot of. Nandana's 2 older siblings had love marriages that her father did not approve of. Therefore, he sends her to the all-girls faculty so as to avoid her falling dotty with another boy. once fifty years, the school will be detached for men likewise. once the principal asks for this alteration, the fogeys (and the trio) powerfully disagree, associated so {the faculty|the school|the faculty} is unbroken as an all-girls college.
However, one seat within the PG courses is hospitable a boy and so enters Shyam (Prithiviraj), United Nations agency has attained himself nine suspensions from three alternative schools. The trio instantly dislikes his entrance to their world. In his 1st day, Shyam encounters some mishaps like associate encounter with maxi pads and having to use the ladies' public convenience. Meanwhile, there's a designer named Ranjith (Jayasurya), United Nations agency is once Nandhana to be a model in his Femina show. The trio rags Shyam into carrying ladies' underskirt, as there's a rule that claims "all students should wear a underskirt," that earns each Ann & Shyam a suspension for fifteen days.
After the fifteen days, once they each come to high school, Ann tricks Shyam into running for the chairwoman position against Preetha, a student that's most wanted and therefore the trio's nemesis. once Shyam finds out, he gets angry with Ann. However, he takes it tired amiability and befriends the trio. He decides to stay running for the chairwoman position. Hearing this Preetha resigns and Shyam wins. Shyam and Ann reciprocally begin feeling {each alternative|one another} however ne'er categorical their love for every other.
Ishtamalle Chocolate Song Funny a boy singing
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